Friday, December 20, 2013

Book Blogger Challenge- Week 15

This feature comes from April at Good Books & Good Wine.

Wow, I can hardly believe that I did this for 15 weeks straight. I'm tired just thinking about it.Honestly, I'm glad to be finished with it. Now I can go back to writing my own discussion posts and talk about all the things that I've been wanting to talk about but didn't want to do more than one discussion post a week.

The question for the final week is...

Who Are Your Book Blogging Mentors?

She is a great person. We seem to overall have very similar tastes in books and I know that when I make the move to self hosted, probably in April, I'll be able to go to her with dozens of questions and she'll answer them. Probably all the while muttering about how type A I am.She manages to put a lot of her personality in her blog, especially with her most recent subtle shift into doing more personal posts.

Okay, this girl rocks. She is so nice and kind to all of us in this community. She manages to do what some others cannot do, and that is review a book honestly and fairly without attacking the author.Her reviews are crazy long too. I want to be able to lengthen my reviews to at least close to the length of hers.

This lady is awesome. I mean she's a bigger Potterhead than even I am. I seriously never thought that was possible until I read her post yesterday. Plus she's a whiz at knowing exactly which GIF's to use for what review and where. Her blog is just full of personality, which I love. So often, blog designs are not really connected to the person behind the blog. It often feels like someone slapped a background on it and that was it.

This post could go on and on, but I decided to keep it short by simply keeping it at top 3.

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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