Oh man, I really enjoyed this book which is surprising as I don't usually gravitate towards NA Romance and in fact have had pretty poor experiences with NA all around lately. But this book started a shift in me. Now i'm still not going to love most NA Romances. However I saw a lot of myself and my own insecurities in Melanie, so she was an easily relateable character which made me really happy. The majority of the insecurities that Melanie had, were ones that I either had at one time or even still have.
Now normally I'd love Bryan's back-story as I love a guy who's a little damaged. But for some reason he fell flat for me. He was wonderful to Melanie which I loved but there was just something missing. After thinking about it, I still cannot put my finger on it. Maybe it's the simple fact that, although I could have connected with Bryan, I just didn't. Yet, I would not mind having a Bryan for a boyfriend. He was basically the perfect boyfriend.
I wish I had read books 1 & 2 first. I didn't even realize it was the third book in a series until I started reading it. Yet it wasn't needed. Let Love Heal can be read and enjoyed as a standalone.
I will be giving it four stars. I really enjoyed the book overall. Loved Melanie, but just could not connect with Bryan.Melissa Collins has definitely began to restore my faith in NA Romance.

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