Saturday, February 15, 2014

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon Interview with Liz

Hello everyone, this year I am taking part in Book Blogger Love-A-Thon co-hosted by Kate & Alexa. My interview partner for this was Liz of Along For The Read. We asked each other 10 questions and this is what Liz said.

1. Why did you get into book blogging?

It was a spur of the moment decision that seemed to stick.  I had wanted to write a blog for a while, but book blogs were something that I didn't even know existed. I had toyed with a bunch of different ideas, but none were ones that I was overly inspired to stick with.  When I was working in a bookstore during the holidays one year, I started to really get back into reading, and started doing online research about which books were worth reading.  That's when I really discovered Goodreads as a tool, and started exploring the online book loving world.  When I realized that there were a ton of people online who loved YA like I do, I got really excited, and started exploring blogs, and on a whim set my own up to post reviews of books I had recently read.  There was no amount of organization involved, and there still isn't, but somehow, two years later, I am still here!

2. How long have you been book blogging?

Just over two years.

3. What has been the best part of book blogging?

I think finding a community of people who see teen fiction as something that can be worthwhile and valuable has been the best part.  It has taught me to never be ashamed of what I read, even if there are people out there who may look down on it.  There are so many intelligent and wonderful people who read and write YA, and book blogging is a way of interacting with those people.

4. What was your favorite book of 2013?

I think overall that would be Where the Stars Still Shine by Trish Doller.  I found myself wanting to go back and read it again right away.  It had everything I love in contemporary YA like a solid romance, and a delicate but strong family relationship.

5. What genre did you read the most of in 2013?

I always love the contemporary YA best, and that is what I read most of.

6. What do you like best, hard copies or e-book copies?

Definitely hard copies.  E-books are convenient for travel and easy access, but I way prefer the experience of having the book in my hands.

7. What was your favorite book as a child?

Harry Potter for the obvious choice, but I loved so many books.  The ones that left most emotional impact were Mama's Going to Buy You a Mockingbird by Jean Little, and A Summer to Die by Lois Lowry. I also loved the big series like Baby Sitters Club (And Little Sister!) Nancy Drew and Goosebumps.  I was big on mysteries and scary stories. I'm going to stop there, really I want to write a list of about 100, but I need to cut myself off before I get out of hand.  

8. Was there ever a point in your life where you just stopped reading?

Yes, definitely.  I had trouble transitioning out of my teen years while still reading. I had a few authors that I loved in high school, like Sarah Dessen, but had trouble finding a ton of books that I loved.  I think I had this idea that I had to grow out of the teen section, but there was never much in Adult fiction that I loved.  So through university I didn't read much, and it wasn't until I found the blogging world and rediscovered YA as a genre, that I really got back into reading.  I think that to read, you need to know what works for you, and that took me some time.

9. Are you a re-reader?

Very much so.  I have my favourites that I love to re-read, and for a long time, re-reading was pretty much all I did.  Since finding blogging and having so many new books I want to read, I haven't done as much repeating, but I still find myself wanting to go back to the really good ones.  Some books are meant to be enjoyed over and over.  I find that really good books have something new to give every time.  Like Sarah Dessen's The Truth About Forever, which I have re-read so many times, but seriously I find something new in it with every read.

10.  Do you have a reading spot in your house?

Usually I read in bed, but when I am really into a book and not putting it down, I tend to move around, find couches and chairs, places without distractions.

If you aren't familiar with Liz's blog, go on and check it out here.


  1. Those were some great questions.
    Re: Q7. Sounds like Liz and I read the same books as children. The Babysitter Club was great, but I really miss Goosebumps! I also read and loved Animorphs as a child.
    Great interview!
    Elizabeth @ Redhead Reader

  2. Great interview with Liz! This is probably my favorite quote:

    "I think finding a community of people who see teen fiction as something that can be worthwhile and valuable has been the best part. It has taught me to never be ashamed of what I read, even if there are people out there who may look down on it. There are so many intelligent and wonderful people who read and write YA, and book blogging is a way of interacting with those people."

    Meeting people who love YA as much as I do has been really amazing. I love that I can discuss and flail with them over ALL THE BOOKS and not feel any shame whatsoever. You love what you love, right?

  3. I definitely read a lot of Babysitter's Club and Goosebumps as a kid, and like Elizabeth, Animorphs too! I couldn't get enough of any of those series, haha

    It sounds like Liz and I went through similar experiences with reading, as well. I stopped reading in university (after reading 500+ pages of philosophy in a day, I wasn't up for reading anything for fun) and I hadn't found any adult authors that I really enjoyed (which is what I thought I should be reading). Then Twilight happened and I rediscovered YA and I've been hooked ever since!

  4. I love the answer to #3! I used to be quite ashamed of reading YA, because some people thought it weird. I'm so glad I found this bookish community as it has taught me as well that I shouldn't be ashamed of what I choose to read. Great interview!

  5. I've reread The Truth About Forever so many times too! It's my favorite Dessen novel. I've always been a rereader too, but when I started blogging I basically stopped doing it. I really miss it and made it one of my goals this year to reread some of my favorites!

  6. I agree that this community is one of the best things aboutblogging. No one should ever feel ashamed or judged because of what they like to read, and I love that the majority of the community is accepting and you're likely to find someone who likes the sames things as you!

    I wish I could reread more! In fact, it's one of my goals for this year.

    And YES, reading in bed is the best.

  7. I love that blogging shows you to not be ashamed, that's the best :) I think it's very important to do what makes you happy. Yeay, another re-reader! I love re-reading.


  8. Reading is supposed to bring joy, so, I'm all about reading what strikes me as good. So yay for rediscovering your love of young adult books.

    While I've never read Sarah Dessen, I love that you have discovered something new each time you've read that book of hers. That's one of the reasons I enjoy re-reading as much as I do. It's also interesting to see how your perspective changes on a book you read ages ago and how re-reading it shows you something you may not have noticed or understood the first time.

    Orchid @ The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

  9. It was a lot of fun to read your interview! I definitely agree when you talked about the community you find through blogging- I've loved being able to meet so many other book bloggers, and the Love-A-Thon is another opprotunity to do so! I've read some Sarah Dessen as well, but I'm not as big of a fan of contemporaries. But YA in general is a genre that has become so diverse and

    1. (sorry, it got cut off!) but anyways, YA has become something unique for everyone, and that's been so wonderful to experience. Also, I love rereading some of my favorite authors and books, so I loved seeing your thoughts on that. I'm so glad I was able to discover both of your blogs through the loveathon!!


  10. I am totally with you on number 3 and feel the same way! I didn't become as into reading as an adult until I put away those feelings of "having to" read a certain thing or a certain genre. Now I just read what I feel like and I read so much more!

  11. I really enjoyed reading your interview Liz! I also really like Sarah Dessen her books are just so good!
    Your answer to number 3 is so perfect! I totally agree :) Sometime YA gets looked down on or is seen as a cash cow, but the actual intelligence behind these amazing books gets overlooked outside of the book blogging community! It's really great to be able to interact with this community too! Thanks so much for sharing!


  12. I loved Nancy Drew! When I was a kid, we had the entire hardcover series (I think it's around somewhere). So glad to find another Nancy Drew lover. I absolutely agree with you about the support system of book bloggers - it's one of the best environments I've found :) Loved your post!

  13. I love Nancy Drew and Goosebumps! They're my favorite books as a kid! Great interview! :)

    Followed you on blogger now, great to discover new blogs through loveathon! :D

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas


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