Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blog Tour: Savor by Kate Evangelista

Title: Savor  
Author: Kate Evangelista

Genre: New Adult
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press


Mature and explicit content. Not recommended for readers below 18-years-old. Yup, you’ve got to be that old to read my story. Consider yourself warned.

I’m Dakota Collins, a tough talking, eye patch wearing, workaholic photography student. Why am I important? Well, maybe because I get to spend an entire month with Vicious, only the sickest indie rock band out there.

You see, I needed a subject for my Spring Showcase introspective in order to graduate. During a chance encounter at a club I’d been sent to cover for the Daily Gossip, our ironically named college paper, the features writer I usually teamed up with introduced me to the band—by accident, I might add. It involved a run in with a scary, bald bodyguard. Anyway, long story short, I signed a contract to take pictures of Vicious.

I should have known their handsome yet way too serious for his own good bassist, Luka Visraya, wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself. He’s gorgeous and all, but the way he smiles spelled trouble with a capital L. I’m in for a long month with him around.

Crazy shit happens and then some. So, if you want the skinny on Vicious and the events revolving around my stay at Lunar Manor, read my story.

Again, refer to the warning above.

Book Link: Goodreads

I fell in love with Kate Evangelista's writing over the summer when I was a part of the Romancing The Bookworm tour. So of course I wanted to read this one. I was so excited to read another one of Kate's books that I didn't even look at the synopsis of the book. That was a mistake that ended up really good for me, although it would have been nice knowing that it was part of a series prior to signing up for the tour.

I haven't been loving NA a whole lot lately so when I discovered that this was NA, I was nervous. The idea of disliking Kate's work was foreign to me so I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with that.

Thankfully I didn't. Kate's writing style puts you in the actual book. You don't have to imagine it because it's so vivid, it's like you are already there. Feeling the emotions of the characters. A good writer can make you love the book, but a great writer can make you feel like you are in the book. Kate manages that task with ease and I love her for it.

Plot-wise, I wanted more to happen in the early part of it. It seemed like the major things all came in the end which left the plot feeling a little lackluster through the majority of it. It is a great way to make people want to read the next book, but I'm not sure I was too fond of it.

Now the chemistry between Luka and Dakota was hot. I mean really hot. That's another thing about Kate, she creates chemistry better than a lot of writers. She causes people's e-readers to sizzle and not every author can do that so effectively.

So while Kate is insanely talented at creating worlds and characters and chemistry, I was not in love with the plot pacing. That did not taint my enjoyment of this book and I am excited to see what comes next for these characters.This was a book that I honestly was not sure if I'd enjoy but it's a testament to Kate's brilliance, that I did enjoy it. 4 stars to this NA book and I would recommend it despite my issues with the plot pacing.

Author Bio:

 When Kate Evangelista was told she had a knack for writing stories, she did the next best thing: entered medical school. After realizing she wasn't going to be the next Doogie Howser, M.D., Kate wandered into the Literature department of her university and never looked back. Today, she is in possession of a piece of paper that says to the world she owns a Literature degree. To make matters worse, she took Master's courses in creative writing. In the end, she realized to be a writer, none of what she had mattered. What really mattered? Writing. Plain and simple, honest to God, sitting in front of her computer, writing. Today, she lives in the Philippines and writes full time.

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